Veliky Ustyug in 3 Russian words

Legion Media
Legion Media
Founded in the 12th century, Veliky Ustyug is the same age as Moscow. Today, it is home to 28,000 people and even a real Father Frost. Here are three of its main symbols.

1. ДЕД МОРОЗ (Father Frost)

Pavel Lisitsyn/Sputnik
Pavel Lisitsyn/Sputnik

Veliky Ustyug is the birthplace of the Russian Santa Claus — Father Frost! His residence is located very close to the city. In this fabulous place, you can experience a lot of adventures, like riding sleds pulled by reindeer or Husky dogs and, of course, meet the main wizard himself!

2. «МОРОЗ ПО ЖЕСТИ» (‘Frost on tin’)

Antique shop 'Antiquity Shop'
Antique shop 'Antiquity Shop'

With the help of this method of decorating chests and boxes, an unusual pattern was created that resembled ice patterns on window panes in cold winters. For this, an explosive mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid, salt, oil varnish with the addition of yellow or green paint was used.

3. УСПЕНСКИЙ СОБОР (Assumption Cathedral)

Satilda/Getty Images
Satilda/Getty Images

Built in the 17th century, the Assumption Cathedral is the oldest building in Veliky Ustyug. In 1929, the cathedral was closed by the Communists and used as a warehouse for a long time. Nowadays, it is gradually being restored.
