Russian songs translated: ‘Pack of cigarettes’ (Sing with us!)

Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Alexander Kostin)
Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Alexander Kostin)
This composition by famous musician Viktor Tsoi is still one of the most frequently performed guitar songs.

The rock band ‘Kino’ and its frontman Viktor Tsoi are mostly known around the world for their perestroika hit ‘Peremen!’ (‘Changes!’). But, in Russia, everyone likes to sing another, quite simple song titled ‘Pack of Cigarettes’ (‘Pachka sigaret’) accompanied by a guitar. Despite his melancholic voice, Tsoy optimistically states that if you have a pack of cigarettes in your pocket, it means that it’s not all that bad!

‘Пачка сигарет’ – ‘Pack of cigarettes’

Я сижу и смотрю в чужое небо из чужого окна

И не вижу ни одной знакомой звезды

Я ходил по всем дорогам и туда, и сюда

Обернулся и не смог разглядеть следы

I sit and look at a strange sky through a foreign window

And I don't see a single familiar star.

I walked along all the roads, both here and there.

I turned around and I couldn't see the tracks.


Припев (Chorus):

Но если есть в кармане пачка сигарет

Значит, всё не так уж плохо на сегодняшний день

И билет на самолёт с серебристым крылом

Что, взлетая, оставляет земле лишь тень

But, if you have a pack of cigarettes in your pocket.

Then everything is not so bad today.

And a ticket on a plane with a silver wing

Which, taking off, leaves only a shadow on the ground.


И никто не хотел быть виноватым без вина

И никто не хотел руками жар загребать

А без музыки на миру смерть не красна

А без музыки не хочется пропадать

And no one wanted to be guilty without guilt

And no one wanted to rake in the heat with their hands.

And, without music, death is not beautiful in the world

And, without music, you don't want to disappear


Chorus two times:

Но если есть в кармане пачка сигарет

Значит, всё не так уж плохо на сегодняшний день

И билет на самолёт с серебристым крылом

Что, взлетая, оставляет земле лишь тень

But, if you have a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,

Then everything is not so bad today.

And a ticket on a plane with a silver wing

Which, taking off, leaves only a shadow on the ground.
