Cheboksary in 3 Russian words

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The capital of the Chuvash Republic is considered one of the most beautiful cities on the Volga River. It’s famous for its unique architecture, numerous monuments and ancient churches. Here are three of Cheboksary’s main symbols.

1. ВАСИЛИЙ ЧАПАЕВ (Vasily Chapaev)

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Vasily Chapaev is a legendary commander of the Red Army during the Russian Civil War. He was born on February 9, 1887, in the village of Budayka, which became part of Cheboksary in 1940. There is a monument and a museum dedicated to him in the city.

2. ВОЛГА (Volga)

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This great river has always played an important role in the life of Cheboksary and is depicted on their coat of arms. It was thanks to trade on the Volga River that the city was once one of the richest in the country. Today, it is the center of the Volga Region river cruise tourism.

3. МОНУМЕНТ МАТЕРИ (Mother Monument)

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This impressive 46-meter-tall monument was erected in 2003 in the historical center of Cheboksary. Dressed in a national Chuvash costume, the Mother-Patroness stands with outstretched arms – she protects the multinational people of the Chuvash Republic, their land and spiritual values.