Learning how to order coffee in Russian

Ronald John Daniels, 500px, Ridwan Read, Dudits, enginakyurt11, VeselovaElena, AtlasStudio, Veronika Oliinyk/ Getty Images
Ronald John Daniels, 500px, Ridwan Read, Dudits, enginakyurt11, VeselovaElena, AtlasStudio, Veronika Oliinyk/ Getty Images
Learn how to order coffee - and also brush up on the general phrases you might hear in a similar situation!


Ever got confused when wanting to simply order a coffee in Russian? Worry no more, because here's a quick guide to get you through it!

The barista usually says:

  • Я вас слушаю!
  • I'm listening to you!
  • Что для вас?
  • What'll it be for you?

Some examples of the order:

  • Можно латте на миндальном молоке?
  • Can I have an almond latte?
  • Маленький капучино с карамельным сиропом, пожалуйста.
  • A small cappuccino with caramel syrup, please.
  • Мне двойной эспрессо без сахара.
  • I'll have a double espresso, no sugar.

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