Russian Classes: Confusing the verbs 'ХОДИМ' and 'ХОТИМ'

Russian Classes: Confusing the verbs 'ХОДИМ' and 'ХОТИМ'
MmeEmil, skynesher/Getty Images, Pavel Kuzmichev
Another pair of verbs to compare and learn the difference!


Some time ago we talked about the verbs ‘едем’ and ‘едим’. Why not continue comparing verbs that look and sound alike? Today’s guests are ‘ходим’ (we walk/we go) and ‘хотим’ (we want).

So, let me give you some more examples:

  • Мы ходим танцевать каждую пятницу!
  • We go dancing every Friday!
  • Мы хотим уехать жить на море.
  • We want to leave this place to live by the sea.

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