Suzdal in 3 Russian words

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Suzdal was first mentioned in chronicles in the year 1024. Below are three symbols of this beautiful ancient city.

1. СОКОЛ (Falcon)

Evgeny Byatov/Sputnik
Evgeny Byatov/Sputnik

This noble, brave and beautiful bird has been considered a symbol of the Suzdal princes since ancient times. A falcon is also depicted on the coat of arms of Suzdal and the crown on its head indicates that the city was once the capital of a rich and influential principality.

2. СПАСО-ЕВФИМИЕВ МОНАСТЫРЬ (Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery)

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The monastery, founded in the middle of the 14th century, very quickly became one of the richest in Rus’. In 1913, in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, Nicholas II and his daughters visited it. And, nowadays, the ashes of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, the hero of the Polish–Russian War (1609–1618), rest there.

3. МЕДОВУХА (Medovukha)

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This delicious honey-based alcoholic beverage has been produced for many centuries according to the same recipe and its popularity has long gone beyond Vladimir Region! You cannot visit Suzdal and not try the local mead!
