Russian Classes: Names of mushrooms

Russian Classes: Names of mushrooms
Ekaterina Smirnova; Marina Bagrova; Marina Bagrova; Anton Nikitinskiy; Evgeniya Petrova; MikhailZykov; Vera Tikhonova/Getty Images
Russians love going mushroom-picking, cooking cream of mushroom, and especially serving them with fries. I’ve gathered the most popular mushrooms to pick in Russia!

Here is some etymology to remember the names:

  • Подосиновик - растёт под осиной (grows under aspen trees)
  • Подберёзовик - растет под берёзой (grows under birches)
  • Лисички - рыжие, как лиса (red as a fox)
  • Белый гриб - белый внутри (white inside)

P.S. More info on this topic here 

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