What does the expression “in the blue eye” mean?

If someone says “на голубом глазу” (“na golubom glazu”) or “in the blue eye”, they are not telling the truth. But, they are not just lying, they are pretending to be naive and inexperienced, like a baby.
There are several versions of the origin of this expression. One of them is related to the blue color of babies’ eyes. That is, when people use the phrase “in the blue eye”, they mean that the person is being hypocritical. An English equivalent would be: “With a straight face.”
It is interesting that there are several other expressions related to vision. For example, “не моргнув и глазом” (“ne morgnuv i glazom”) or “without blinking an eye”. This is said when someone wants to emphasize that a person immediately made a decision, without experiencing anxiety or doubt. There is a similar phrase in English: “Without batting an eye.”