LESSON 6: ‘Т’ & ‘Д’

Russian consonants ‘т’ and ‘д’ resemble the English letters ‘t’ and ‘d’, but the pronunciation is different.  

When pronouncing the Russian letters ‘т’ and ‘д’, you press the tip of the tongue against the back of the upper teeth, rather than against the teeth ridge, as it is with the English letters ‘t’ and ‘d’. This tongue position is the same when articulating the letter ‘n’ in ‘note’.  

Listen to the audio and repeat: 

Use the tip for practicing pronouncing the Russian letter ‘л’ from the previous lesson. Start pronouncing the English letters ‘t’ or ‘d’. Then, slowly move your tongue forward, until you touch the back of your teeth. 

Task 1: Listen to the audio & repeat the syllables

на - та - да      ну - ту - ду      но - то - до       нэ - тэ - дэ      ны - ты - ды

та - ту - то - тэ - ты

да - ду - до  - дэ - ды

та - да      ту - ду      то - до      тэ - дэ      ты - ды

Task 2: Listen to the audio & repeat the words. Then read the words out loud

так      там       тон        ты        тут

нут      кот        эта       сыт       мост    

стук     стул      стол      сток     стан

да        дан       дол       дом      дым      
