Is this Red Army soldier holding a mobile phone while sitting at his laptop?

Legion Media
Legion Media
One of the most beautiful stations of the Moscow Metro subway system - ‘Kievskaya’ on the Circle (Brown) line - is decorated with mosaic panels created in the Soviet era. But, what's this - on one of them, a Red Army soldier seems to be holding a mobile phone while looking at a laptop screen! How did this happen?

The ‘Kievskaya’ station opened in the Spring of 1954. Therefore, of course, there can be no talk of a portable phone or laptop. Most likely, he is holding a military field phone, specifically, a St. Petersburg factory ‘Geisler and Co’ or a German ‘FF’ (Feldfernsprecher). And what modern passengers might mistake for a laptop is its cover. The communication devices of that time were heavy, so you had to hold the handset with your free hand.
