The Himalayas? Nope, this is Russia!

The Himalayas? Nope, this is Russia!
Sergei Fomin / Global Look Press
The Caucasus Range in the south of Russia is a record-breaking natural wonder. Its two-headed Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain peak in Europe (5,642 meters) and attracts mountaineers from all over the world. Take a look at some incredible landscape shots in our photo selection!

The Himalayas? Nope, this is Russia!
Sergei Fomin / Global Look Press
The Himalayas? Nope, this is Russia!
Sergei Fomin / Global Look Press
The Himalayas? Nope, this is Russia!
Sergei Fomin / Global Look Press
The Himalayas? Nope, this is Russia!
Sergei Fomin / Global Look Press
The Himalayas? Nope, this is Russia!
Konstantin Mikhailov / Global Look Press
The Himalayas? Nope, this is Russia!
Andrei Kamenev / Global Look Press
The Himalayas? Nope, this is Russia!
Tatiana Gritsenko / Global Look Press
The Himalayas? Nope, this is Russia!
Tatiana Gritsenko / Global Look Press

READ MORE: Iceland? Nope, this is Russia!
