12 breathtaking AERIAL PHOTOS of Russia
Enjoy the best photos of ‘The most beautiful country’ photography contest in the category ‘Bird’s eye view of Russia’.
1. Vasily Yakovlev. ‘The Sleeping Dragon’ (Orenburg Region, Karamuruntau Ridge in the Southern Urals)

2. Nikolay Myslivtsev. ‘The Front Range’ (Republic of Adygea)

3. Vladimir Kushnarev. ‘Snow at sunset’ (The Altai Mountains)

4. Svetlana Morozova. ‘Tolbukhin Lighthouse’ (Gulf of Finland)

5. Andrei Grachev. ‘Flying over the crater of Gorely volcano’ (Kamchatka)

6. Elena Liseikina. ‘Manpupuner’ (Komi Republic)

7. Evgeny Kozhevnikov. ‘Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant’ (Krasnoyarsk Krai)

8. Yuri Smityuk. ‘White rocks of Iturup’ (Kuril Islands)

9. Evgeny Schultz. ‘The rain is coming’ (Tyumen region)

10. Alexei Nikitin. ‘White Rock’ (Crimea Republic)

11. Konstantin Leontiev. ‘A bird’s eye view of Dagestan’

12. Kirill Uyutnov. ‘Master of the Arctic’ (Arkhangelsk Region)

The ‘Russia from a bird’s-eye view’ exhibition is on display at the Lyubertsy Engineering and Technological Lyceum until October 1, 2022.