What is Russia’s Forgiveness Sunday?

What is Russia’s Forgiveness Sunday?
Yevgeny Yepanchintsev / Sputnik
This is the title of the last day of Maslenitsa (Shrovetide) week before the Great Lent. Why is it necessary to ask forgiveness from everyone on this day?

Every year, a whole week before the Great Lent, Russia celebrates Maslenitsa, unofficially known as the ‘Pancake Week’. This holiday of farewell to winter has pagan roots, but has been seamlessly incorporated into the Russian Orthodox Church calendar. All week, people eat pancakes and have fun, before fasting for 48 days until Easter. 

The last day of Maslenitsa is called ‘Forgiveness Sunday’. In 2025, it falls on March 2. 

On this day, it is customary to ask forgiveness from all relatives and friends. And mutually forgive each other, answering: “Bog prostit!” (“God will forgive!”). Worshipers believe that this is the only way to enter the Great Lent with a pure soul. If one doesn't forgive those who ask for it, harboring resentment against them, then fasting and praying will be in vain. 

The history of Christianity connects the tradition with repentance, which people bear after the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. This is the only way to get closer to God, according to the Holy Scriptures.
