Which Hollywood stars could play Russian tsars?

1. John Turturro as Ivan the Terrible

Apart from the obvious facial likeness, John Turturro has masterfully performed an array of villain roles, which is very fitting for the popular image of the fearsome Russian tsar.
2. Nicholas Cage as Peter the Great

The king of unruly, witty and partly hysterical character parts, Nicholas Cage could perform well as Peter the Great, the reformer of Russian life, a wild drinker and womanizer and a man with a prominent mustache.
3. Meryl Streep as Catherine the Great

However majestic Helen Mirren was as Catherine the Great in the eponymous 2019 series, we still think Meryl Streep’s truly royal attitude could have been great for this role.
4. Michael Shannon as Paul I

A distinct facial similarity is not the only thing that made us think about Michael Shannon as a fitting cast for Pavel I. Shannon is a seasoned actor that could play a troubled genius, prone to outbursts of rage, that emperor Pavel Petrovich was.
5. Jude Law as Nicholas I

Jude Law’s screen persona is far removed from the image and character of Nicholas I. In real life, Nicholas was a harsh perfectionist and a ruthless commander. But, the similarity in their appearance is remarkable.
6. Colin Firth as Alexander II

In The Happy Prince (2018), Colin Firth resembles Alexander II so much it’s staggering.
7. David Beckham as Alexander III

One of the wildest cast choices ever made.
8. Hugh Laurie as Nicholas II

One of the most caustic actors out there would surely do a great job of playing the last Russian emperor, who himself loved deadpan jokes.
Leonardo DiCaprio as Vladimir Lenin

We hope that someday, this moment will come. Someday.