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Russian history
This Soviet teen became a real master of sabotage (VIDEO)
10 ICONIC Russian magazines of the 1990s
How 'Kinder Surprise' was invented in Russia more than 100 years ago! Wait, what?
What Soviet Russia was like in 1935 (PHOTOS)
How did the most criminal cities of the USSR fight crime? (VIDEO)
This Soviet partisan terrorized the Nazis with 'coal mines' (VIDEO)
Why did Russians literally sleep on stoves? (VIDEO)
10 stories that Russian Imperial plates tell (PHOTOS)
How the ‘Ready for Labor & Defense’ Complex Appeared in the USSR (PICS)
This Soviet pilot successfully executed 4 aerial rams & survived! (VIDEO)
What Russia was like in 1915 (PHOTOS)
When were Russian women first allowed to vote in an election? (VIDEO)
3 MAIN discoveries by Russian navigator Semyon Dezhnev
Electricity was brought to the homes in Tsarist Russia by... a fairy! How come? (VIDEO)
Was Rasputin really a lover of the Russian 'queen'? (VIDEO)
How Hungarian Eugen Varga became the USSR’s main economist
Why were exactly 6 ares allocated for dachas in the USSR?
Propaganda posters of the early Soviet Moscow (PICS)
The USSR's most popular magazine & how it bypassed censorship
Why is Russia so big?
What is the puzzling story behind Russia’s national anthem?
Why is the double-headed eagle Russia’s national symbol?
What the colors of the Russian flag mean
How did Russia get its flag?
Moscow’s OLDEST tram stop (PHOTOS)
How the bear became the symbol of Russia
A brief history of Kvass, Russia’s ‘bread in a bottle’
Who were Cyril & Methodius and how they invented the Slavonic alphabet
Russian love for mayonnaise explained in under 60 seconds (VIDEO)
Why was Ivan the Terrible not allowed into the church?
The COMPLETE list of Russian tsars, emperors and presidents
Royal hooligans: Brawls, drinking, and madness in the Romanov family
When was Russia founded?
The Empress who locked her fool inside a palace made of ice
Retracing the timeline of Alexander Pushkin’s last duel
20 fascinating portraits of the Romanovs you’ve probably never seen before
How the Soviets hid TONS of museum treasures in World War II
How the Russian Empire was formed
Jewelry of the Russian Empire’s WEALTHIEST dynasty (PHOTOS)
3 interesting facts about Empress Elizabeth (VIDEO)
3 Russian female fighters who battled their way to fame
How a former orphan became the USSR Minister of Culture
All you need to know about the Russian Decemberists revolt
7 most FAMOUS graduates of the Moscow State University
The most infamous FAKE tsars in Russian history
4 reasons why Tsar Ivan was called 'The Terrible'
Why was the Russian Tsar considered an emissary of God
5 facts about ‘valenki’, the most Russian wool boots
Boris Godunov – the unlucky Russian tsar
Who are the ‘ryazhenye’?
Did you know that Peter the Great forbade building bridges in St. Petersburg?
10 loudest rebrandings in Russia
A Russian paleo-sculptor makes figures of PREHISTORIC animals
5 movies about Vladimir Lenin that you can watch ONLINE
3 jokes by Alexander Pushkin
Wild steppe & life of nomads in Russian art (PICS)
What do Russians celebrate on June 12?
What happened to Grigory Rasputin’s murderers?
Why does Yemelyan Pugachev have two heads on this portrait?
8 WEIRDEST laws & decrees of Russian tsars
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