What was happening in Russia when…

Royal Collection; Public domain Queen Victoria Receiving the Sacrament at her Coronation, 28 June 1838 by Charles Robert Leslie / Duel of Pushkin and Georges D'Anthes. By A. Naumov, 1884
Royal Collection; Public domain
We looked at some of the largest events in the history of Europe and America, starting from the second millennium, and wondered what was happening in Russia during those historic moments?


V. Nagornov 'Yaroslav the Wise and his sons' by V. Nagornov
V. Nagornov

In Europe: The Great Schism – the split of Christianity into Catholic and Orthodox churches – occurs.
In Russia: Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054), son of Vladimir the Great and creator of one of the first sets of laws in Russia (‘Yaroslav's Truth’), dies.


Tatarstan History of the State Museum "At the Golden Horde" by Alexey Maksimov
Tatarstan History of the State Museum

In Europe: The Great Famine, a widespread calamity due to crop failure that killed millions.
In Russia: Prince Yuri Danilovich of Moscow marries Konchak, sister of Uzbek, Khan of the Golden Horde, and receives the high Mongol title of "son-in-law of Genghisids".


U.S. Capitol Rotunda Landing of Columbus by John Vanderlyn, 1847
U.S. Capitol Rotunda

In America: Christopher Columbus discovers America.
In Russia: Instead of the March style, which had been used since 988, the September style was introduced – the New Year is celebrated on September 1.


State Museum of the History of Religion, St. Petersburg The Trial of Patriarch Nikon, by Sergey Miloradovich
State Museum of the History of Religion, St. Petersburg

In Europe: The Great Fire of London devastates the English capital.
In Russia: The Great Moscow Council condemns Patriarch Nikon.


Bibliothèque nationale de France The Siege of Bastille by Jean-Pierre Houël
Bibliothèque nationale de France

In Europe: The Great French Revolution takes place, which brings down the Monarchy and the old regime.
In Russia: Alexander Suvorov brilliantly defeats the Turkish army at the Rymnik River. For this, he receives the title of ‘Count of Rymnik’.


Свердло/Sputnik "The Last Minute" by Yuri Neprintsev, 1988

In Europe: Queen Victoria ascends to the throne in England.
In Russia: Great poet Alexander Pushkin is killed in a duel.


Photo12/Getty Images Emancipation of the Slaves
Photo12/Getty Images

In North America: Slavery is abolished (in Russia, serfdom was abolished in 1861).
In Russia: ‘Zemstva’, the first official bodies of local self-government in Russia, are introduced.


TASS Russian Empire. Construction of the Trans-Siberian railroad. The exact date of the photo is unknown

In Europe: Electricity lights up the streets of London for the first time.
In Russia: Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway begins.


Public domain The carriage in which Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich was in, destroyed by an explosion
Public domain

In Europe: In his apartment in Bern, Switzerland, Albert Einstein writes four papers that revolutionize theoretical physics. The year becomes known as Einstein's ‘annus mirabilis’ (‘miraculous year’).
In Russia: Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, brother of the tsar, is assassinated. The 1905 revolution begins.
