LESSON 4: ‘С’, ‘К’ & ‘М’
These three consonants are pronounced like their corresponding letters in English:
- с sounds like 's' in ‘sun’
- к sounds like 'k' in ‘key’
- м sounds like 'm' in ‘man’
Task 1: Listen to the audio & repeat the syllables out loud
са – су – сы – сэ – со
ка – ку – кы – кэ – ко
ма – му – мы – мэ – мо
ам – ум – ым – эм – ом
Task 2: Listen to the audio & repeat the words. Then read the words out loud
как мак ком кум ум
эму эмо Эмма мы мыс
сам сом сок сук усы