The soft sign ‘ь’ has no sound itself and is only used to modify the pronunciation of the preceding consonant by making it “soft”.
Listen to the audio and compare the difference in pronunciation of consonants with and without ‘ь’.
м - мь н - нь п - пь с - сь т - ть л - ль
If a soft sign is followed by a vowel, then the preceding consonant becomes soft and the vowel is pronounced separately like it would be pronounced in the beginning of the word.
Listen to the audio and compare the difference in pronunciation of syllables with and without ‘ь’.
мя - мья ню - нью те - тье лё - льё ви - вьи
The soft sign is important for correct pronunciation and distinguishing the words. Let’s compare the pairs of the words that differ only in one letter - the soft sign. These words sound different and have different meanings:
‘мат’ (checkmate) – ‘мать’ (mother)
‘быт’ (everyday life) – ‘быть’ (to be)
‘ел’ (he ate) – ‘ель’ (spruce)
‘брат’ (brother) – ‘брать’ (to take)
Task 1: Listen to the audio & repeat out loud
м - мь ам - амь
л - ль ол - оль
н - нь юн - юнь
р - рь ер - ерь
т - ть ит - ить
с - сь ус - усь
Task 2: Listen to the audio & repeat the words. Then read the words out loud
соль ноль день июнь семь
царь мать пять лось Русь
фильм альбом пальто письмо
Task 3: Listen to the audio & repeat out loud
пе – пье пё – пьё
фя – фья ня – нья
те – тье дя – дья
ре – рье ля – лья
Task 4: Listen to the audio. Then read the words out loud
пьеса пьёт курьер стулья альянс
свинья платье братья судья Софья