LESSON 11: ‘И’, ‘Е’, ‘Я’, ‘Ю’ & ‘Ё’

These vowels are pronounced the same as in English:

  • и sounds like 'ea' in ‘each’
  • е sounds like 'ye' in ‘yet’
  • я sounds like 'ya' in ‘yard’
  • ю sounds like 'u' in ‘use’
  • ё sounds like 'yo' in ‘yoga’

NOTE! The letter ‘ё’ is always stressed in Russian words. So, we don’t put the stress mark in words with ‘ё’.

Task 1: Listen to the audio & repeat out loud 

и - е - я - ю - ё

ё - ю - я - е - и 

ян - ин - юн - ен - ён

ял - ил - юл - ел - ёл

Task 2: Listen to the audio & repeat the words. Then read the words out loud

икра       икона      поиск       если      евро

уеду       яма          ярус        туя         юла       

юрта       уют         ёлка        паёк       наём     

We’ll continue practicing pronunciation of these letters in the next lesson ⇒
