From chintz to diamonds: The names Russians use for wedding anniversaries

From chintz to diamonds: The names Russians use for wedding anniversaries
Russia Beyond (Getty Images; L. Zhaleyko/A. Sologubova, Olga Pavlovna Kukhar Archive (2), Yulia Medvedeva Archive, Maria Ivanova Archive/Russia in photo)
Russians have invented names for practically every year of marriage. Here is how these names came into being and what they mean.

There is a tradition in Russian culture of celebrating a wedding anniversary according to its emblematic name. The name is determined by the material which metaphorically signifies the stage of the married couple's relationship and indicates the "nature" of the present. For instance, for an "iron" wedding anniversary, it is customary for the spouses to give each other kitchen utensils, metal jewelry and decorative objects, while for a "ruby" anniversary, jewelry with rubies. The tradition goes back a long time and many couples in Russia still observe it today.

First year – chintz anniversary

From chintz to diamonds: The names Russians use for wedding anniversaries
A-S-L/Getty Images; letty17/Getty Images

The anniversary is given this name, because the printed or painted calico textile best describes the initial stage of married life – as colorful, but not yet durable.

2 years – paper anniversary

The bond between the spouses on the second anniversary is still regarded as insufficiently strong, just like paper. But, the name has another connotation – it is a time when you can revise the things of value in your relationship, find a compromise and live in harmony starting with a clean sheet of paper.

3 years – leather anniversary

The marriage is growing stronger, with relations between the spouses acquiring the necessary give-and-take. There is also another explanation for the origin of the name – the spouses have become so close, that they can feel each other "with their skin".

4 years – linen anniversary

Linen was chosen as a symbol of already fairly strong relations: It can be said that the spouses' lives have been intertwined like threads of linen in a piece of fabric. 

5 years – wood anniversary

From chintz to diamonds: The names Russians use for wedding anniversaries
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The name of the first milestone anniversary signifies that at this stage of marriage the family is comparable to a strong and mighty tree that has already put down deep roots in the ground.

10 years – tin anniversary (also rose anniversary)

This is a real anniversary and a very important milestone in the life of any married couple. The anniversary has two names. Most frequently, the 10th year of married life is called the ‘rose’ anniversary, because this flower symbolizes love, passion and affection. The flower is intended to remind the spouses of their strong love for each other, while its thorns are a reminder of the difficulties which the couple have managed to overcome.

On the other hand, ‘tin’ refers to the pliancy and flexibility of the spouses, reminding them of the importance of compromise.

15 years – crystal anniversary

From chintz to diamonds: The names Russians use for wedding anniversaries
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For this anniversary, the couple are usually given glassware or cut glass items. The anniversary was given this name, because, by this time, no secrets should remain between husband and wife - they are honest and open towards each other, just like transparent cut glass.

20 years – porcelain anniversary

On this anniversary, the relationship between the two is seen as a marvelously beautiful and exquisite item of porcelain, which they have been able to create in the years of their life together. At the same time, porcelain is a fragile material and whoever thought up the name for this anniversary probably had in mind the idea that even after 20 years of life together the couple still need to work on their relationship or it can break as easily as a vase.

25 years – silver anniversary

This anniversary is a very important milestone in any marriage and it is customary to celebrate it in style – after all, a quarter of a century spent with the person you love is a great achievement. In this case, silver stands for the gleaming, refined luster of a strong and stable relationship.

30 years – pearl anniversary

From chintz to diamonds: The names Russians use for wedding anniversaries
sommaiphoto/Getty Images

It is no accident that pearls have become the symbol of this anniversary: Since ancient times, they have been emblematic of purity, of true beauty, of something flawless. Furthermore, pearls take a long time to form deep under the sea and require time and patience.

35 years – coral or canvas anniversary

Just as a coral requires a lot of time and effort to acquire a solid shape, so, too, a marriage needs time to enable a trusting and stable relationship to be built. ‘Canvas’ represents comfort and well-being in the family, but this name is used much less frequently.

40 years – ruby anniversary

From chintz to diamonds: The names Russians use for wedding anniversaries
zhev/Getty Images

Rubies gifted to a married couple on this anniversary symbolize the multifaceted nature of their relationship and also the passion and sincerity of their feelings. The whole extended family is usually invited to mark the anniversary, because the date is seen not just as a celebration for the married couple, but also for all those who have been at their side all these years.

45 years – sapphire anniversary

Sapphires are high-grade precious stones – only diamonds are more durable! The stone represents the immutability of the union between the loving couple and their prosperity.

50 years – gold anniversary

From chintz to diamonds: The names Russians use for wedding anniversaries
bobey100/Getty Images

Half a century together! Gold is a symbol of the fact that such an achievement can only come with great effort and is enormously precious.

55 years – emerald anniversary

On this anniversary it is customary to give emerald jewelry as a present and to wish the married couple a long life, to love each other and never to grow old. Emeralds in this case are emblematic of the imperishability of love and life.

60 years – diamond anniversary

From chintz to diamonds: The names Russians use for wedding anniversaries
AptTone/Getty Images

Diamonds are the most durable mineral on the planet. A marriage lasting 60 years becomes as enduring as this precious stone and turning it into a diamond jewel requires much effort, patience and time. There are other names for this anniversary – for instance, platinum.

65 years – iron anniversary

The name, again, refers to the durability of the family ties between the spouses. On such an anniversary, it is customary to give iron ornaments for the home.

70 years – blessed anniversary

From chintz to diamonds: The names Russians use for wedding anniversaries
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This milestone is rarely reached by couples, because 70 years is regarded as a gift sent from God. On this day, the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren customarily give the couple whatever they may wish for. The variety of presents symbolizes the many sidedness of a life lived by each other's side.
