10 popular Russian animals & their ‘personal’ blogs (PHOTOS)

Russia Beyond (PaleStudio/Getty Images; @trucker_cat; @alicethefox8471; @deni_mani; @voron_gosha_tv; @prozhony)
Russia Beyond (PaleStudio/Getty Images; @trucker_cat; @alicethefox8471; @deni_mani; @voron_gosha_tv; @prozhony)
A trucker cat that has crossed half the country with his owner, a wild fox called Alice and Gosha, the smartest raven in the world, who knows how to count, are just some of the amazing animals gracing the internet today!

1. Ev the trucker cat


Danila Borodin is a trucker from the Siberian city of Kemerovo. To make his travels a bit merrier, he took along a fluffy companion – a cat named Ev (short for Evgeny). Initially, Danila wanted to take a dog as a partner, so it would guard the truck, but, in the end, he decided that it would be too cramped for a dog in the truck cabin. Then, he saw a public notice that, near him, a small kitten of a mixed breed (Thai and British) was being given away. He called him Evgeny in honor of his friend. In several days, the little one settled in the cabin and now he vigilantly watches the road and how the wares are loaded onto the truck. Along with Danila, he has a popular blog about his life on the road! 

2. Fedya the surprised cat


The always-surprised and very affectionate cat Fedya is one of the most famous feline bloggers in Russia!

He was taken as a kitten from a garden in the south of Rostov Region, in the town of Salsk. A stray cat, looking like a mix of a British breed with another mixed breed, arrived with two kittens: female and male. The female one was healthy, the male one was not so lucky. He would spin around for long periods of time, struggling to walk, due to coordination problems and joint development anomalies. His eyesight was also bad.

All of this was overcome thanks to the owners’ determination and a lengthy treatment. Although he still needs medication, the cat now feels great. Thanks to his popularity on the Internet, Fedya helps his owners run a shelter for 50 animals!

3. Alice the Fox


Foxes are very smart animals, who can, in fact, comfortably live with humans, if properly domesticated. Alice the Fox was born in 2016 and lives in the yard of a house; her owner Ivan Kulakov helps her run her own blog ‘Alice the Fox’.

In her videos, Alice shows how happy she is to see the first snow, how she hides treats from Ivan and how grumpy she gets when she’s in a bad mood. Ivan affectionately calls her his ‘combat loaf’ – she really is wild and active, but, at the same time, very charismatic; she socializes with Ivan and other house inhabitants alike.

4. Deni the labrador & Mani the sphinx cat


The duo of Deni and Mani became extremely popular on Russian social networks in 2023.The Labrador is fidgety, while the Sphinx, on the contrary, is stern and calm.

Moscow denizens Viktoria and Ruslan got them within two weeks of each other; they got along easily. They even sleep cuddling each other! When Mani sleeps on Deni, the latter won’t even move, in order not to wake the cat. When they’re not sleeping, they get up to mischief and throw stuff around. Once, they even destroyed an envelope with rent money! To share their crazy lives, the owners started a blog about their pets.

5. Gosha the domesticated raven


The smartest raven apparently lives in Perm Region! Alexander Chugaynov found Gosha in May 2020 in a nest on a fallen fir. He was about two weeks old. Alexander decided to save the bird; later, he started training him. By the first year of his life, Gosha had learned approximately 30 commands. It’s hard to believe, but the raven can caw when asked, distinguish colors, show different fingers on a human hand, fetch items and even memorize numbers.

Alexander, meanwhile, makes videos about the process of training the forest raven.

6. Emotional cats Myata and Alaska


If you have a cat, you probably speak to it sometimes and even seek its advice on important matters. Now imagine that you have two of them and each has its own opinion. Irina (she doesn’t say what city she’s from) has two cats called Myata and Alaska and they always get into some kind of adventure. Irina is an artist and the cats help her with her work, leaving their colorful autographs on paper; they also help her in her everyday life, checking if she feeds them often enough.

More than 4 million people are subscribed to their blogs!

7. Tusya the cheerful cat 


A cat called Tusya from Voronezh already has 8 million followers! Every video with her becomes a meme. In one, Tusya lies around sad, because she doesn’t want to work; in another, she jumps around with a human to trendy music. She even helps her humans do push-ups, participating as an additional weight. Her owner Tatiana with her spouse are behind these funny short videos.

8. Smiling dogs Oscar & Johnny


When Lera met Nikita, she had a pug called Johnny; Nikita had a Weimaraner called Oscar. Now they live all together and the dogs have become best friends. 

They are both five years old and are completely different: Oscar is an introvert, likes to cuddle with people, while Johnny, on the contrary, is very active (for a pug) and loves socializing with other dogs.

They decided to start a blog with videos from the life of their big family in 2020, when they all were under lockdown. From boredom, they started narrating their dogs’ thoughts in funny voices and now they have millions of subscribers.

9. Gosha, aka Big Floppa the big Russian cat


Gosha the caracal was born at the end of 2017 in a nursery and now he’s living in Moscow, in the family of Andrei and Elena. Andrei is a videographer by profession; once, he posted his remarkable pet with big eyes and tufted ears on his social networks. From that point on, the blogging life of Gosha began. His fans overseas nicknamed him Big Floppa – for his ears. Since then, people on social media have created memes, merchandise and even mobile apps based on this cat. Read more about Big Floppa here.

10. Bandit & Bublik the talking huskies 


“We’re not cuties, we’re real dire wolves! So if you don’t subscribe to our channels, we’ll come to you at night and bite you!” That’s what the social media channels of these cutest (at a first glance) huskies say. Bandit is actually Bublik’s father. They live in the south of Russia along with two corgis called Korzhik and Koks and their owners make funny blog videos, designed for, in the first place, children and teenagers.
