Learning some Russian soccer vocabulary

Юрий Сомов/Sputnik, С. Соловьев/Sputnik, Дмитрий Донской/Sputnik, Игорь Уткин/ТАСС, М. Боташев/Sputnik
Юрий Сомов/Sputnik, С. Соловьев/Sputnik, Дмитрий Донской/Sputnik, Игорь Уткин/ТАСС, М. Боташев/Sputnik
Learn Russian with the greatest goalkeeper of the 20th century!

A few months ago, we talked about Russian soccer teams, and I noticed that a number of you knew quite a lot on the subject!

How about learning some soccer vocabulary with the greatest goalkeeper of the 20th century, Lev Yashin?

You’ll find some facts about his life in the pictures. 

And here are some examples of the vocabulary in action:

  • В детстве я мечтал стать футболистом.
  • I dreamed of becoming a soccer player in my childhood.
  • Во втором тайме вратарь не пропустил ни одного гола.
  • The goalkeeper did not miss a single goal in the second half.
  • Мяч попал прямо в ворота, и болельщики закричали: «Гол!»
  • The ball went straight into the goal, and the spectators shouted: "Goal!"
  • Матч пройдет на стадионе «ЦСКА».
  • The match will take place at the CSKA stadium.

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