4 Russian proverbs about devils

1. “В тихом омуте черти водятся” (“V tikhom omute cherti vodyatsa”)
“Still waters contain devils”
They say this when they want to emphasize that even the most modest person can do something unexpected for everyone and not always a good deed and the first impression of them can, therefore, be deceiving.
‘Омут’ or ‘pool’ is a deep hole at the bottom of a reservoir or river. It is impossible to see what is under the water from the shore, perhaps because, in the olden days, it was believed that evil spirits lived in reservoirs and devils would drag beauties into the water.
2. “Не так страшен черт, как его малюют” (“Ne tak strashen chert, kak ego maluyut”)
“The devil is not as terrible as he is painted”
The phrase is used when some event or action turns out to be not as frightening as expected. You can add to it with relief: “Fear has big eyes!”
3. “Ни Богу свечка, ни черту кочерга” (“Ni Bogu svechka, ni chertu kocherga”)
“Neither a candle for God nor a poker for the devil”
This refers to someone mediocre, inexpressive. Neither righteous, man nor a sinner – no one, really. They also said this about lonely people who have not found a family, have not found themselves and live their days without a purpose.
4. “Боится, как черт ладана” (“Boitsa kak chert ladana”)
“Afraid as the devil is afraid of incense”
It used to be believed that the aroma of incense could drive out evil spirits, so they fumigated not only churches with it, but also houses. Over time, the expression acquired a figurative meaning and now it is used when a person is very afraid of something.